This is part six of an 8-part series on a “SPLENDID” Approach to Holistic Management of MCAS. If you missed the other posts in the series, you can start from the beginning here.

Minimizing exposure to toxins and the process of detoxification are of the utmost importance for patients with MCAS, and specific strategies should be guided with the help of a medical professional. First and foremost, optimizing gut, liver, lymphatic, and kidney health is key to assisting the body in the removal of toxins.

Certain supplements and dietary considerations can tremendously aid the body in this process. Adequate hydration and proper attention to a healing anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich diet cannot be emphasized enough. Some patients also finding that juicing and fasting practices can be built into their healing plans to assist with detoxification.

Additional strategies such as colonic (enema) therapy, massage, beverages that promote liver cleansing (such as lemon water), focusing on certain foods, avoidance of certain products and environmental factors, and “gentle” sweating (with special attention to heat flare-up considerations for patients with MCAS) may be appropriate. Some practitioners recommend specific types of therapies such as infrared sauna or ionic footbaths for detoxification. Techniques to enhance lymphatic drainage may also be useful for patients with MCAS. Some patients may also need to take toxin binders for mold or heavy metals if their system is physically unable to remove certain toxins on it’s own.

This post is the tip of iceberg, and there’s a lot of considerations for this patient population beyond simply taking a few supplements and sweating more. Additional information on this topic can be found at:

Detoxification strategies should be performed carefully and slowly, and short-term flare-ups in symptoms may be expected for patients with MCAS as well as the general population. Massive detoxification reactions should be avoided. A full personalized plan of strategies should be agreed upon with one’s medical team. Reducing toxic burden can have a profound impact on the resolution of things like mast cell reactivity, dysautonomia/POTS, migraines, chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue/pain, and even other conditions like thyroid disease. Thus, it should be a big part of the foundational treatment plan for every patient with mast cell activation disease.


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